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West Meade Swim Club Pool Rules and Etiquette Guidelines 2025


West Meade Swim Club Rules and Etiquette guidelines are put in place to ensure all of our members and their guests have an enjoyable, family friendly experience. These rules are enforced for the safety and consideration of all. Lifeguards and staff are to enforce these rules and always err on the side of caution. Thank you for respecting these regulations and the staff who enforce them.


Pool hours (May 25-August 12, 2024)

  • Sunday: 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
  • Monday–Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
  • Friday-Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • Fourth of July: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Labor Day: 10:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.

Early Morning Lap Swim 

  • M/W/F, 6:30-8:00am


Hours will be altered from August 11-September 1 based on staffing availability.

  • August 11: 12:00-7:00

Starting August 12:

  • Monday-Thursday: 4:00-7:00
  • Friday/Saturday: 4:00-8:00
  • Sunday: 12:00-7:00

In June, the main pool will open at 10:15 a.m. to accommodate the swim team. Two lane lines will be in the pool from 10:15 am to 10:45 a.m. The well will open at 10:15 am until our dive season is over (mid July).  The swim team will also have two lane lines in the pool on M/TH from 5-6:30 in June for afternoon swim team practice.


General Pool Operations:

  • The pool itself closes 10 minutes early to allow guests and staff to clean up and close for the following day. Please respect our staff by exiting the property at the posted closing time.
  • The pool is also closed until approximately 1:30 pm for home swim meets. These dates are listed on the club calendar.
  • If inclement weather persists in the afternoon, the pool and HUT will close no later than 6 p.m. on Saturday through Thursday, and no later than 7 p.m. on Friday.
  • Closing times are at the discretion of the West Meade staff.
  • Hours lessen in August due to our lifeguards returning to school. While we list our altered hours at the beginning of the season, these can change week to week due to guard availability in August. This will be updated on our website and an email will be sent to members.
  • The club will close two hours early in early July for our swim & dive team banquet.


General Rules:

  • All members and their guests must sign in upon arrival.
  • All members and guests must follow instructions from lifeguards, managers, and other West Meade staff at all times.
  • The lifeguards on the stands are working and not to be engaged in conversation.
  • Always walk. Running is never allowed on the pool deck.
  • Except in an emergency, do not sit or hang on lifeline or lane ropes.
  • No glass or breakable containers are allowed anywhere on West Meade property.
  • Flotation devices and lifeguards are not your child’s babysitters. A parent or appropriate guardian must be in the pool and within arm’s reach of any child who is a weak swimmer, including those using flotation devices.
  • Diving is only allowed in the well.
  • Flips, back dives, backward jumps, spins, cartwheels, or other dangerous moves are not allowed from the side of the pool. Tricks and specialty dives will only be allowed off the diving boards at the lifeguard’s discretion.
  • Horseplay is not allowed in or around the pool deck, pavilion, or bathhouse. This includes dunking, pushing, and throwing people in the pool.
  • Loud and disruptive behavior, including profanity and any form of disrespect, will not be tolerated.
  • Parents and guardians must immediately notify the manager on duty if a child vomits or has a bowel movement (even if a swim diaper is worn) in either pool or on surrounding deck areas.
  • Staff will suspend swimming due to threats of weather and heavy rain. All members and their guests must clear the pool when thunder is heard and clear the pool and deck when lightning is detected. This regulation is given by the American Red Cross Lifeguarding course, under which our pool staff is trained and certified. Members may return to the pool 30 minutes after the last sound of lightning or thunder.
  • Small floats are allowed in the 5 feet only. We do not allow floats in the shallow end near the steps. Our guards need to have a clear view of our tiniest members.
  • Toys should be designed specifically for pool use and are at the discretion of the lifeguards. Squirting Vessels are not allowed. Pool noodles should not be used to slap the water. Lifeguards will remove toys that may cause a disturbance or create a hazard for members.
  • Members and guests are responsible for their belongings.
  • Lost and Found will be emptied every Sunday.
  • A phone is available at the front desk for outbound calls. Please limit calls to 2 minutes.
  • Children ages 6 & under should be supervised on the playground. Shoes must be worn on the playground.
  • All members must check their family and guests in at the front desk. Members must accompany their guests at all times. Please review our guest policy before bringing your first guest to the pool.
  • West Meade is a family-oriented pool. Swimsuits should not be too revealing for a family environment.
  • Members should park in the parking lot with overflow street parking. Do not park in the grass.
  • Children: No children under 10 years of age shall be left at the pool without direct supervision.
  • Babysitters must be at least 15 years old.
  • Children ages 10 and older can be left alone if they have sufficient swimming skills. The pool manager reserves the right to require a child 10 & older to pass a swim test before being left unsupervised.
  • Personal Speakers are not allowed.




  • Food is only allowed at the pavilion. Food may not be consumed on the pool deck.
  • Pick up trash on tables when you leave the area. Lifeguards and staff are not housekeepers. Please remind your children of this rule.
  • While your picnic from home is always welcome, commercially prepared food is never allowed to be brought inside West Meade Swim Club.
  • Gum is not allowed.
  • Drinks are allowed at chairs, but not in pools or within 3 feet of the pool by order of the Metro Health Department. Please see the alcohol policy in this document.
  • Please do not change diapers on the tables/chairs at the pavilion. Diaper changing stations are available in both restrooms.


Diving well / diving board rules

  • Diving is only allowed in the diving well (exceptions are during swim meets and swim team practice for diving off the blocks).
  • Inappropriate use of the diving well area may result in serious injury. Please familiarize yourself with the changing water depths and slope of the diving well bottom before diving, and use caution at all times.
  • Diving boards may be closed at certain times to allow for dive team practice or deep-water games.
  • Swimming is not permitted in the diving well while the boards are in use.
  • Only one person is allowed on the diving board at a time.
  • Only one bounce is allowed on any board.
  • All dives and jumps must be made off the front end of the boards and not to either side.
  • Wait to dive until the water below and in front of the diving well is clear.
  • Swimmers must exit the pool at the closest ladder after diving. Do not swim across the well to the opposite ladder.


Baby/Family Pool Rules

  • There is no lifeguard on duty at the baby pool. Parents and guardians are responsible at all times.
  • The family pool is reserved for children ages 5 and younger, and their parents/guardians. A parent or guardian must be present inside the baby pool gated area and children must be actively watched in this area at all times.
  • Extreme horseplay/diving is never allowed.
  • Properly fitting swim diapers are required for all infants and non-potty trained toddlers.
  • Parents and guardians must immediately notify the manager on duty if a child vomits or has a bowel movement (even if a swim diaper is worn) in either pool or on surrounding deck areas.
  • Please do not change diapers on the pool deck. Changing stations are in both bathrooms.


Parent supervision and drop-off policies

  • Children ages 10 and older may only be left unattended if they have strong swimming skills and are fully aware and capable of following all pool rules.  Parents will be contacted if a child does not meet the criteria to ensure the safety of all patrons.
  • Children age 5 and younger must actively be supervised by a parent or appropriate guardian at all times. Babysitters or siblings aged 15 or older may supervise younger children. Actively supervised means that parents or guardians are in the water with children or within arm’s reach at all times even if a safety or floatation device is used.


Zero tolerance policy

  • Possession or use of any weapon on club property (law enforcement officials are exempt).
  • Physical or sexual battery of any person anywhere on club property.
  • Possession, use, selling, distribution, or delivery of any manner of illegal controlled substances.
  • Underage possession or use of alcohol.
  • Willful destruction of property could also result in prosecution.

Members and guests are strongly encouraged to report any information they may have concerning a violation of these policies.


Alcohol and Smoking Policies:

West Meade does not provide or serve alcoholic beverages of any kind.

If you are of legal age, and choose to drink alcoholic beverages at the pool, please       remember the following: ·

  • Safety is our number one priority and West Meade Swim Club is a family friendly home. We ask that if you consume alcohol, it is in a cup with a lid. West Meade Swim Club reserves the right to ask any member to leave the property if guidelines are not followed or members/employees are not comfortable with your behavior. Please note, this also puts our membership at risk.
  • No glass containers are allowed.
  • Be respectful of others, including members and guests who do not choose to drink.
  • Drink only in moderation, and do so discreetly. Please take home any empty containers. All cups must have lids. No koozies.
  • No drinks of any kind are allowed within 3 feet of either pool.
  • Never leave alcoholic beverages unattended and always keep them out of reach of children.
  • Managers reserve the right to ask any intoxicated patron to exit the property. Cab services will be called at the discretion of the manager.
  • Smoking and Vaping are not allowed anywhere on West Meade Property.



  • Only dependent family members are included in the family membership. Children under the age of 25 who are dependents in the household and senior parents who live with the family can be included in your family membership. Any family member may use the family membership at the club at any time, free of charge. Grandchildren, grandparents, children over the age of 25, and neighbors/friends of the family who are not dependents are not included in family membership and must be signed in as guests.
  • Guest Passes are $5/per person (ages 2&up)
  • A guest may come up to (5) visits.
  • No more than 4 guests at any time without prior approval.
  • Members must sign all guests when they arrive at the pool. Guest passes may be pre-purchased on our website or you will be billed.
  • Guests must attend with a member, and may not sign in and use a membership without the sponsoring member being present.
  • We must have a member responsible for every guest at the club in the event of an emergency or other situation that would require removing a guest from the club. We must know that every person who visits the club has permission to be present.
  • Nannies, sitters, and grandparents who come to the club to supervise member children do not have to sign in as guests provided the member’s parents are not present. We want all member children to be able to enjoy the club even when their parents cannot be present to supervise.
  • Nannies/Sitters that come with parents must use a guest pass.
  • Nannies/Sitters may not bring guests of their own.
  • Nannies/Sitters may not come alone.
  • Protecting the safety of our members and children at the pool is of utmost importance. All members must respect the guest policy and sign in all guests when they arrive at the pool. Our staff does a great job of learning the names and faces of our members over the summer, so they are aware when new faces arrive. Please bring your guests to the pool, but please help us by signing them in.
  • Not following rules about the guest policy can result in the termination of your club membership.


Pool Manager:

  • The Pool manager will have the authority and responsibility to ban any person from the pool area at any time for infractions of rules or unacceptable behavior.
  • The pool manager has the authority to close the pool during heavy rains or electrical storms. All members shall vacate the pool deck area. Each episode of thunder will close the pool for 30 minutes anew. The pool will be reopened if such a storm ends and the weather clears.
  • The pool manager and/or head lifeguard on duty must be able to visually see the pool drains for the pool to be operational.
  • Children: No children under 10 years of age shall be left at the pool without direct supervision.
  • Babysitters must be at least 15 years old.
  • Children ages 10 and older can be left alone if they have sufficient swimming skills. The pool manager reserves the right to require a child 10 & older to pass a swim test before being left unsupervised.
  • Nonswimmers should never be left alone regardless of age.


General Policy regarding onsite issues/complaints:

  • Should an onsite problem arise, the first step every member should take is to speak with our pool manager. This should be done respectfully.
  • If you do not feel you received an adequate response, we ask that our members respectfully reach out to any member of the board of directors. westmeadeswim@gmail.com will reach the President of the Board.
  • Our lifeguards should never be confronted negatively. They do not make rules, but they are required to enforce them. Our guards are young adults and should never be bullied or catch the brunt of any of our members’ frustrations.
  • Our swim and dive team coaches along with our volunteer parent representatives should never be confronted aggressively. This will result in an immediate dismissal from the team and put your club membership at risk.
  • Members who chose not to follow club guidelines, will first, receive a warning latter from the board of directors. If the behavior continues, your membership will be revoked effective immediately.
  • Members who have outstanding balances at the end of the season, will not be allowed to renew their membership for the following season.


Members who choose to not abide by club rules are subject to having their memberships revoked.


West Meade Swim Club is not responsible for lost or damaged personal belongings on our property. This includes the club and parking lot. Please do not leave valuables unattended or in your car.




Physical Address: 800 Davidson Drive, Nashville, TN 37205   –  Mailing Address: PO BOX 50574, Nashville, TN 37205

Phone Number: 615-356-0073 *Only staffed from opening day through Labor Day

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